Saturday, June 30, 2012

NetApp Cluster Tutorial

NetApp Cluster:


Two Filers :



 Add the cluster license on the both the filers.

FASC1> license add "XXXXXXXX"

FASC2> license add "XXXXXXXX"

Reboot the filers.

Enable the cluster on both the Filers.

FASC1> cf enable

FASC2> cf enable

FAS> cf status   ---- to check the status of cluster configuration.

 While cluster configuration, add the takeover partner ipaddress.

To check the cluster status, 

FASC1> cf status

FASC1> partner

ifconfig -a  
The output shows the ipaddress of the network interface with the patrner takeover ip also. 

FASC2> cf takeover

Now, FASC1 taken over by FASC2.

FASC2> patner

now you enter into the FASC1 console.

If you check the network interface,

All NIC taken over by the FASC2.

FASC1's ipaddress is

And the cifs shares is myshare.

Even if the FASC1 is failed and take over by the FASC2, you can access the cifs shares.

Accessing through the winows7 client.

Now, able to access the cifsshares(myshare) even if the FASC1 is down.

FASC2> cf giveback

Giveback is successfully done.

cf status

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