Monday, June 25, 2012


To check the dg (device groups)

1. log in to the admin host for the source symmetrix  (j0xsfs64)
2. symdg –sid 1257 list –v | more   this would actually show us about all the device groups and whether they are synchronized.
3. To see the R2 devices for the R1 source devices symrdf –sid 1257 –g “device group name” query.  This would actually give the information about the R2 devices and their status.
4. symclone –sid 1265 list |more  to get status of all the devices in the clones.
5. To get the name of clone txt go to f1xsas03:/opt/emc/clones and grep for the file

To rename a DG (device group)

1. log in to the j0xsfs64 and do symdg –sid 1257 list –v |grep “ servername”
2. symdg rename “old dg” “new dg”
3. this should be effective immediately no outage required
4. symrdf –sid 1257 –g  “ dg name” query  to query about the dg
5. go to j0xsfs64:/opt/local/scripts/SRDF/
6. run the script ./unxu003 inorder to send the dg’s to the other admin host for the new dg names. The main reason to run this script is to upload and download few tar files where it upload’s some tar files.
7. get onto the destination admin host and and run ./unxu004 . this script would actually delete the old dg’s and create the new ones.

To rename a clone file

1. To rename the clone file we have to terminate the clone service by typing  symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” terminate
2. mv “old name” new name”  to rename the file
3. symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” –create copy –differential   to create the file and copy the data from R2 ro the clone.
4. symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” activate   to activate the file and so that the information is copied on a schedule
5. symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” query   to query the information about the clone copy to verify if everything is working.

To create a new srdf version.

1. right click on the symmetrix in ECC and select  configure-> srdf device definition.
2. once you select the R1 device the R2 would populate and select them and add them to the list and execute the process.
3. create a dg (device group ) with the command symdg create “device group name”  -type RDF1
4. Add the luns into the dg by symld –sid 1257 –g “device group name” add dev###
5. symrdf –g “dg name” set mode sync ( if the data is small if the data to be synced is more than 200gb then do a symrdf –g “dg name” set mode acp_disk ( this is an adaptive copy and would take a long time. It only copies when the symmetrix is not busy)
6. query the srdf traffic by symrdf –sid 1257 –g “ group name” query ( to see the status)
7. create the clone .txt file on the admin host of the destination symmetrix.
8. open the clone file and with “ R2 lun”              “ destination clone lun”    
9. create the file in the system by a create file and let it start copying  symclone –sid 1265 –f “file name  just created” –create –copy –differential
10. activate the clone copy session by  symclone –sid 1265 –f “ file name” activate


1. when masking the clone lun the Lun has to be in the terminated state
2. terminate the clone lun copy by symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” terminate
3. mask or map the lun and then do a symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” create –copy –differential
4. activate the clone copy by  symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” activate


1. Select the lun and map and mask the lun to the host if the host has any failover server then mask the lun to the failover box.
2. Add the disk to the DG or VG on the server side.
3. identify the device group for adding it to the srdf by running a command symdg –sid 1257 list –v | more  (search for the server name)
4. symrdf –sid 1257 –g “ filename” query     (to get the  information of the DG)
5. Add the disk by symld –sid 1257 –g “group name” add dev dev#
6. go to /opt/local /scripts/SRDF and run the ./UNXU003 script after sycning the R1 and R2 .
7. mask and map the clone and go to /opt/local /scripts/SRDF on the remote admin host and run ./UNXU004  script. Then add the disk to the /opt/emc/clones and vi the clone file and add the r2 and clone lun.
8. symclone –sid 1265 –f  “filename” create –copy –differential
9. symclone –sid 1265 –f “filename” activate
10. symclone –sid 1265 list  to the status of the devices.

To remove the lock on the symm:

Get on to the admin host which controls the symm and has symm cli installed.

symcfg -sid 0100 list -lockn all
symcfg -sid 010 release -lockn 15 -force
symcfg -sid 0100 release -lockn 15 -force
symcfg -sid 0100 list -lockn all

to remove a device from a device group

1. Unmap the r2 and clone devices on the target symm
2. Remove the devices from the device group by using symld –sid 1265 –f “device groupname “ remove  UN0004 < logical name> ( we can see the logical name if we query the device group this should be the first coloum in the device group >
3. Split the devices by symrdf –sid 1257 –file RDF_devlist.txt –RDFG group # split or right click on r1 device and data protection srdf  split
4. the RDF_devlist.txt should be in this format              
 494   694                                                                                                    
 239   249
 Where 494 and 239 are r1 devices and 694 and 249 are r2 devices
5. then convert the devices back to raid 5 by creating a file which has
6.   convert dev 494 to RAID-5;
               convert dev 239 to RAID-5;
7. run the command symconfigure –sid 1257 –f “filename” preview
8. symconfigure –sid 1257 –f “filename” prepare
9. symconfigure –sid 1257 –f  “filename” commit
10. the above commands would actually convert the r1 to raid -5 devices
11. to check the devices run symdev –sid 1257 show 494 and it should not show anything about the being an R1 device.
12. update the control center repository by running symcfg discover . ( it would say the operation might take few minutes . Please be patient )

To find a broken disk on symm
1. symdisk –sid 1257 list –failed
2. symdisk –sid 1257 –hypers –v  | grep “not ready”
The following commands should help in determining if there is a bad drive in the Symmetrix:
symdev list|grep NR or symdev list -v|grep Degraded
symdev list -hotspare
symevent list

Sat Apr 01 10:06:16 2006 FA-3B  Symm Device(030D) Warning      04.0473.00
    A device has a mirror that is Not Ready

symdisk show xx:xx

  Hypers (6):
  #   Vol  Emulation        Dev  Type          Mirror Status         Cap(MB)
  --- ---- ---------------- ---- ------------- ------ -------------- --------
    1  172 FBA              000F Data            2    Not Ready          4315
    2  173 FBA              0027 Data            1    Not Ready          4315
    3  174 FBA              003F Data            2    Not Ready          4315
    4  175 FBA              0057 Data            1    Not Ready          4315
    5  176 FBA              006F Data            2    Not Ready          4315
    6  177 FBA              0087 Data            3    Not Ready          4315

To find gatekeepers on a server

Symgate –sid 0100 list
Sympd show list

You can convert a normal device to a gate keeper  by

Symgate define pd c2t2d2

On windows

Symgate define pd physical_drive_2

To undefine on a symm

Symgate undefine dev 004c

To associate a gate keeper with a device group (srdf)

1. first create a device group
2. associate the gate keeper with the device group by doing  symgate –g j0xsas82-rdf-f1xras22 associate pd c2t2d2

syminq to get the information if the disk is R1 or gatekeeper or the status

syminq –symmids    - for symm
syminq –cids  - for clarrion

syminq –sym –wwn
syminq –sym –wwn –colon

syminq –pdevfile  - to get all the adapters

symcfg list –memory  ( to see the total cache)

symcfg –DA list all ( to see all the directors on the symm)

-DIR — All types of directors.
-CA — Channel directors.
-DA — Disk directors.
-EA — ESCON directors.
-SE — GIGE directors.
-EF — FICON (Fibre-ESCON) directors.
-RA — RDF directors.
-SA — Front-end (SCSI, GIGE, or Fibre) directors.
-FA — Front-end (Fibre only) directors.

Symcfg list –lockn all   - to see if the symm is locked by someone
Symcfg –sid 0100 –lockn release 15   ( 15 being the lock number)

Symdev –sid 0100 show 030  to see the disk and we see these options

Device Service States There are three possible device service states:
◆ Normal
◆ Failed
◆ Degraded
Note: Degraded indicates that one or more mirror positions to the protected
device is Not Ready.
Device Status There are three possible states to the device status:
◆ Ready
◆ Not Ready
◆ Write Disabled

1 comment:

  1. good documentation for the SRDF set up in the fortune 100 company in ATL/MSP.
